Helping Out Our Community

Young Life Young Life began with a few simple ideas about sharing the truth of God’s love with adolescents. Seven decades later, those simple ideas have become time-tested methods for reaching out to middle school, high school and college students in friendship and hope.

Generation Alive Moving a generation to act, Generation Alive, does this by working with schools, churches, sport teams, and various youth organizations offering education and service projects that engage students in opportunities to serve their community.

Christ Kitchen Christ Kitchen is a job-training project providing work, instruction, discipleship, support, and fellowship for women living in poverty in the Spokane area. Through the production and sales of gourmet dried food products and catered meals, this project enables women to learn to work, to become employable and, eventually, to support themselves and their families without reliance on government programs or destructive relationships.

Young Life
Generation Alive
Christ Kitchen