A pre-work screen is a test of a job applicant’s ability to safely perform the physical demand requirements of a specific job.
- Reduce injuries and associated losses
- Establish pre-hire physical baseline
- Increase productivity
- Decrease staff turnover
- Determine job match between worker’s abilities and the required physical demands of the job being considered.
Our Testing Program:
- Complies with ADA, EEOC, OSHA and other government requirements
- Deliveries measurable results with a high rate of return on investment
- Objective measurement based
- Job Specific
The evaluation includes:
- A physical examination of functional range of motion and strength
- Functional testing of the critical physical demands of the specific job that they are being hired for
- Testing may include lifting, force testing, postural tolerances, grip strength, push/pull and climbing abilities
Combined Services are available through our coordinated efforts with local medical providers:
- Medical screening
- Hearing tests
- Drug Testing
We can design a comprehensive program to address all of your new hire issues.
It is critical to quantify the physical requirements, repetitive requirements and postural demands in order to accurately define the essential functions of the jobs. Clear and accurate measures will ensure that the items tested represent the physical requirements of the jobs. Validation of the job analysis is important for accuracy and to meet all legal requirements. A clear and accurate job analysis is the cornerstone for development of the pre-work screen exams. Review of the current job analyses and additional measurements will ensure that the functional testing is validated and accurate.
In order to develop the Pre-Work Screen Exams, we will review the job analyses and identify the “critical physical demands” that need to be tested for each job. Typically, the critical demands are based on the more physical requirements such as lifting, carrying, pushing/pulling, frequently assumed positions such as reaching and bending and the repetitive tasks such as grasping/handling or pinching. For each critical demand, we will identify the force, frequency and posture requirements. We then design test protocols for each critical job demand. Typically, we use standard functional capacity evaluation equipment and testing protocols so that the tests can be easily reproduced, however custom equipment and testing can be incorporated. Each test item will be correlated with a specific job task. This ensures that candidates will be tested in performance of essential job requirements only. This meets EEOC and ADA standards. We create a test protocol and results table that is pass/fail. We do not recommend hiring candidates that do not pass all components of the test.
Once we have developed the tests, we will need to validate the tests with your current work force. This is typically done by having a representative sample of workers perform the actual test. The number of current workers needed to validate the tests is dependent on the number of employees who perform the job. A 3-5% sample is typically adequate. We recommend that you choose a sample of men and women and new employees and experienced employees. Once the workers complete the test, the will be asked to provide feedback on the test as to its accuracy in representing the requirements of their jobs. In a case where current employees fail portions of the test, we will need to review and possibly modify the tests.
Once we have completed the validation, we develop an SOP and program manual that will outline all of the requirements and procedures of the pre-work screen program. We will then train the therapy providers in the procedures for specific testing for you company.
Once this is complete, we will be ready to implement the Pre-Work Screen program for your new hire candidates.
Candidates will arrive for the Pre-Work Screen and fill out a consent form for testing. They will have their blood pressure taken and a chest strap polar heart rate monitor put on. A brief physical exam will be completed to assess gross range of motion, strength, balance and few other components to ensure that they are safe to participate in the evaluation. Specific parameters will be outlined in the program manual. Once they complete the preliminary exam, they will be taken to the evaluation area and complete the functional testing portion. During the functional testing, they will have their heart rate monitored throughout the exam. Once the exam is complete the report grid and results will be completed and sent out.